Draft Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy
Swindon Borough Council has prepared a draft Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy and are now seeking views on the proposals identified to expand the network across the Borough to 2030.
The strategy represents a long-term, strategic approach to meet the infrastructure required under the Government’s ambitions to phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030. The action plan outlines the first steps through this roadmap, which will be reviewed every three years to take account of the latest technology, funding opportunities and demand.
Through consultation with residents, government, car manufacturers, chargepoint operators, and internal stakeholders, this process has generated a prioritised plan of fifteen recommended actions. The interventions which have been assessed cover:
- Funding and commercial considerations of future roll out
- SBC’s internal responsibilities to incorporate the roll out, such as housing, fleet and licensing
- Support for business and residents to enable, promote and encourage EV take up.
Members of the public and wider stakeholders are now invited to view and comment on the draft Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy.
To view the strategy and provide your feedback, please visit https://www.swindon.gov.uk/info/20019/consultations_engagement_and_surveys/1209/draft_electric_vehicle_chargepoint_strategy by no later than 5.00pm on Monday, 27 September 2021.