
Swindon’s EV strategy

The Road to Zero Strategy outlines how the government will support the transition to zero emission road transport and reduce emissions from conventional vehicles during the transition. The strategy is long term in scope and ambition, considering the drivers of change, opportunities and risks out to 2050 and beyond. Its focus, however, is on what the UK will do now to lay the foundations for the transition.

Part of the government’s strategy is to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles as soon as 2030. With the deadline on the horizon, Swindon needs a strategy of how it will enable our residents to take up electric vehicles with confidence that there will be a range of opportunities to charge them.

We have been studying best practice, talking to local authorities, charge point suppliers and other stakeholders to best understand the current and emerging market, and the opportunities for the future. We drafted a strategy that looks at;

  • Policy
  • Objectives
  • Future demand
  • Infrastructure options and measures
  • Commercial models and feasibility assessment
  • Swindon’s related projects
  • Action Plan

The document was debated at Cabinet on 7th July 2021 and a formal consultation phase took place from 2nd August 2021 for a period of 8 weeks.  The document has now be refined in light of comments and is now formally adopted.

The document will be reviewed every three years to review current progress, technological advances and to update the action plan.

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