Update on major upgrade of Fleming Way
Fleming Way fully closes to traffic from Sunday, 4 September to allow for the next phase of the major upgrade of this town centre gateway. A new bus interchange, vastly improved public open spaces and new cycle lane facilities that link up the main cycling routes across the town all form part of the improvements.
The scheme is due to be completed in autumn 2024.
You can:
- Read about the impact on journeys from September
- Access information provided by Swindon’s Bus Company on the location of town centre bus stops from 4 September 2022
- Get answers to common questions on the project
The Fleming Way subway will be kept in place for as long as possible during the works before it is removed as part of the improvements. The timing for the subway closure will be communicated once confirmed, and new maps will be published showing the alternative walking routes.
You can also get project updates and check travel information by downloading a smartphone app called ‘Hello Worx’ managed by our contractor, Colas Projects Ltd. This free app is available from your usual app store.
Regular updates on the project will also be provided via the dedicated Fleming Way newsletter.